School Lane, West Butterwick, North Lincolnshire, DN17 3LB

01724 783244

West Butterwick

Church of England Primary Academy


At West Butterwick CE Primary Academy, in support of our Vision, we aim to live out these values: Hope, Love, Courage, Resilience, Respect and Wisdom

Please click here to learn more about our church school distinctiveness 

Please click on the links below to see our values in more detail :- 

'Hope is the anchor for our souls - a confident expectation that we will fulfil our goals or aims' (Hebrews 6 v.19)

For us, hope means that we focus on the future and we can make positive changes together.  Hope can make us feel safe and it can help us to express our feelings and wishes too.  

Children describe this as never giving up and 'keep on going'.

In the Bible, it says 'forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heaven ward in Christ Jesus.'

As a school community, we actively support children and adults to seek new knowledge to make the world a better place. The school offers a broad and engaging curriculum, which allows the children to flourish from their own starting points, whilst meeting the academic and spiritual needs of all learners.  

'For wisdom will enter your heart

And knowledge will be pleasant for your soul'  

(Proverbs 2)

In our school community we appreciate that, as adults and children, we are 'agents of positive change' in the world.  

In the Bible it says

'Be strong and courageous!  Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you, wherever you go'  (Joshua 1)

We recognise that everyone in our school and Federation Community is vital and unique and has a range of 'God given gifts' to offer the rest of our community.  We treat each other with respect and dignity - we value 'all God's children'.  

'show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor' (1 Peter 2)

Stakeholders articulate this as 'we are always there for each other; we find the time to listen and try to understand each other's problems; celebrate each other's achievements without envy, commiserate when there is sadness'

'Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous (1 Corinthians 13:4)